Thursday, January 27, 2005

KX always the poor relation

A reader posted this comment below another story:

What on earth is NOT going on at the Rex Building?

BEFORE the conversion to residential, the tenants in the council-owned community units were:
KX Community and Information Centre,(KXCIC)
The Early Childhood Centre,
The KX Library,
An airless meeting room.

SINCE the conversion, the library after many moves is now operating in Darlinghurst Rd., the Earlly Childhood Centre has space in the Reg Murphy Activity Centre and the KXCIC after intense lobbying has returned to the Rex. However, the space is at rhe rear of the building
The council owned units are nnow of commercial lease and what of the area that that library occupied? It will, supposedly, be a community space. Has anyone seen the area? It is behind a latched door!

Latest news is that it will be ready for use in April, 2005.
In the meantime, community groups are denied space for various projects and have to scrounge around for commercial space or have their projects postposed if not abandoned. Why is KX always the poor relation when it comes to community facilllities?

Does the right hand know what the left hand is doing?

A member of the community went to see the Place Manager at the KX Neighbourhood Service Centre(NSC) requesting a grant for a community project and was told the cupboard was bare. Today, I read in the Sydney City Mag of council grants available. The place to collect the necessary info kit is from your NSC from Feb 7.


  1. I don't know what this person is whingeing about. KX has had more money spent on it than any other community in Sydney. We should be grateful.

    Apart from the fact that Roslyn street now holds the world record for the slowest footpath renovation of its size anywhere in the world, and all the granite utility covers on the main street are cracked, and the varnish stains dripping down the gauntlet wall in Springfield Plaze spoil the effect, the new yuppie makeover is complete.

    I now dress exclusively in Von Dutch (even if he was a redneck nazi criminal) and eat at a stainless steel restaurant every night. I can afford it, I really can.
    Where have mash and jus BEEN all my life?

    It feels especially good on my way there walking over the shiny metal studs at road crossings. At last the townscape has equalled my personal magnificence.

    I can only hope that the lovely landscaping at the top of William street continues the granite aesthetic so the complete uniformity of the environment encourages people to look at ME more. That's what matters, isn't it?

    So who needs community facilities? We should trust the council administration better. They know best.

  2. Anonymous8:20 pm

    Oh yes the right hand knows what the left hand is doing.

    But just in case any children are reading this blog I have refrained from describing the action.
