Friday, October 20, 2006

Yellowhouse stars at the NSW Art Gallery

Works by Peter Kingston and Martin Sharp are on exhibition at the NSW AG until 19 November. The two famously worked at the Yellowhouse on MacLeay Street. Sharp is a personal favourite of mine dating back to the third LP I ever bought -- Cream's Wheels of Fire featuring a fabulous psychedelic cover on metallic stock. The exhibition is free.

Pic: Martin Sharp, 'Mr Tamborine Man', 1967

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:46 pm

    I've known Martin since the OZ Magazine days. I always believed that his greatest achievements were prior to the Yellow House. That building was only an exhibition by several artists. I do not believe that it represented the defining work of Martin's career. I have to say that the cut up lithographs at the Yellow House by Martin of Magritte into a number of small images made me weep.

    Martin was the Australian Andy Warhol of his time.He was surrounded by the most beautiful women you could imagine.

    And by the way Michael I just love your photographic images.
