Groups of stencil artists hit the streets yesterday spraying their quirky inspirations onto walls around the Cross.
The project, part of the Kings Cross Arts Festival, is dubbed 'live walls'. Under the auspices of the KX Arts Guild, the artists negotiated with businesses who agreed to donate wall space to be decorated.
You can see their work to date at the rear of the Prague restaurant in Kellett Way and behind the Crest Hotel on Victoria Street.
Local artist mini graff has posted some of the work on the web -- click the headline to see it.
Also yesterday the Kings Cross markets came to life with the Southern All-stars steel band who got the place jumping between 11am-12 noon.
Meanwhile the Festival is gathering pace -- check your program for details so you don't miss out on the fun -- see the hard copies all over the Cross or visit
And don't miss the Arts Ball, Friday November 12 at Ladylux in Roslyn Street -- phone 9357 2164 for bookings. Numbers are limited to 200, so book now! Email the editor or post a comment with your email if you want an invitation sent.
While street comment about the stencil art has been overwhelmingly positive, there are dissenters. One business owner in Kellett Way says it is not art but graffiti and has complained to the police -- even though all the work has permission from owners of premises.
ReplyDeleteAnd the first work done at the rear of the Crest Hotel has mostly been removed -- two out of three panels, to be exact. Perhaps the bare cladding, plain brick and aircon vents remaining ARE art. Go have a look before the NSW Art Gallery buys it up.