Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Council reverses staff spin on signage

Three small businesses in Kings Cross will soon be able to advertise their presence on the street with a revolving sign. Council staff have repeatedly opposed the idea but last Monday Clover Moore's team amended the local Development plan, removing any policy impediment and any rationale for the staff's opposition.

This opposition was already based on pretty thin reasoning and defied councillors who supported the sign. After repeated petitions from Avry Ben-Zeev, who owns World Internet in Darlinghurst Road, staff executive Jason Perica could only base his refusal on the grounds that the sign would 'increase clutter and reduce public amenity'.

Ben-Zeev rejects this as the single sign, shaped like a Toblerone packet with three sides, would replace two existing static signs. He also pointed out that all the JC Decaux signs move, so council was applying a double standard. Councillors agreed that this was a material argument.

Perica repeatedly stood up and argued against the proposed amendment during the council meeting until he was asked to desist by Mayor Clover Moore. The amendment is specific to Kings Cross.

The World internet site held three businesses -- a money exchange, internet room, and a travel agency which had cancelled its lease because it had been unable to advertise its presence.

The development control plan for signage in Kings Cross now encourages creative and animated neons and allows moving signage.


  1. Anonymous3:00 pm

    Wherefore art thou Michael? I might not read your wisdom daily, but enjoy popping in from time to time, and before christmas was regular, but since the posts have been too few to be worth while. Blog and be damned!

  2. I'm here, O anonymous one. It's a matter of time vs effectiveness. I was spending too much of the former for very little of the latter. I am getting involved with the 2011 Residents Assoc to help revitalise it and feed input into the bowels of Council where they can't ignore it.

    Planning to start a blog for the Assoc., too. Then it can be promoted in all documents 2011 produces.

    Want to join? We're starting a membership drive!

  3. Anonymous12:42 pm

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