Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Council workshop on East Sydney street closures

-- from a DRAG press release --

DRAG, 2011 and local business associations are campaigning for a City East Traffic Plan.

Council has agreed to convene an open workshop also open to residents and businesses in the surrounding areas to develop a Traffic Study and Plan for City East. Thanks to Greens Cr Chris Harris for his work on this key planning issue.

Chris Harris put a motion to council on 21 February. It was heavily amended by Clover Moore to read:

That Council
1) recognises the need to regulate the passage of motor vehicles through some streets to provide pedestrian, cycling, amenity, public domain and traffic improvements;
2) supports community consultation, and traffic and other appropriate studies of the affected areas (East Sydney, Woolloomooloo, Darlinghurst, KIngs Cross, Potts Point, Rushcutters Bay and Elizabeth Bay) prior to road changes;
3) notes the variety of opinions in East Sydney, Darlinghurst, Woolloomooloo and Kings Cross over the possible beneficial and negative
impacts of road changes in their area, including:
a) completion of the Cross City Tunnel;
b) William Street upgrade, including possible closure of Bourke Street;
c) Oxford Street upgrade, including possible partial closure of Palmer Street; and
d) trial closure of Liverpool Street at Whitlam Square; and
4) requests the Lord Mayor convene a workshop with representatives of relevant community and business groups in the surrounding areas, Council officers and interested Councillors, with a view to developing an agreed a way forward.
5) The proposed public consultation for the proposed trial closure of Liverpool Street at Whitlam Square, as required under Section 116 of the Roads Act 1993, be deferred until the outcome of the workshop has been reported back to Council for consideration.

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