Thursday, September 09, 2004

Springfield plans set in granite

Lord Mayor Clover Moore has written to residents of Springfield Avenue following her recent meeting with them (see story below).

The good news is that the street will be paved and not asphalted as originally planned, the Europen-style lampposts will be retained and more trees will be planted than are to be removed.

The bad news is that requests by several of the residents at the meeting for terracotta paving in sympathy with the brick and warm-coloured Art deco buildings of the precinct appear to have been ignored.

Council general manager Robert Domm at the meeting stated that the community had approved the grey/green granite we see in the main street. It was pointed out at the meeting that the community had in fact voted against it in favour of a more cobbled European look in a scrutineered ballot conducted by the local Heritage Society.

Clover Moore at the time replied 'I'll take that on board'.

The grey granite lobby appears to have won, however. The issue was not even recognised in the letter.

The plans will be exhibited at the Council shop on the strip from 15 September for two weeks. Written comments from the public will be received during that time. Anyone with concerns can also bring them up at the next community forum. (see story above)


  1. Anonymous6:46 pm

    Another lying politician .

    She said she would take it on board.

    That would be right the “the cobbled European look, overboard affair.”


  2. Anonymous6:48 pm

    Ladies and gentlemen.
    May I introduce you to the Lord Mayor of Sydney

