Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Withdrawal symptoms of Ritalin

Two friends-of-friends have teenage sons who have been prescribed Ritalin for years to treat ADD conditions. Both have now been taken off the drug. One had become a noted actor at his school, but has suddenly lost his talent. The other wants to go back on it because he has lost the ability to amuse his friends in social situations.


  1. Anonymous11:30 pm

    Quick get Clover a repeat prescription she ran out last weel.

  2. Anonymous11:31 pm

    Quick get Clover a repeat prescription she ran out last week.

  3. Anonymous6:55 pm

    Why can't we get Clover drug tested?
    She is a dope.

  4. Anonymous9:34 pm

    I gather the above person has some sort of problem with Clover -- but the straight out mockery is getting a little tiresome. How about a little substance to the criticism?

  5. Anonymous11:48 pm

    I think that the sarcasm is warranted.
    Think about it.

    The weekend she gets appointed Lord Mayor she goes away on a holiday.
    She creates a ridiculous situation in Victoria Park.
    She puts out memos about the use of sincerely or faithfully in letters.
    She claims in the media that her team is happy when the team are making public comments about the opposite.
    She allows her most senior member of staff attend an important hearing in the NSW Parliament in beach wear.
    She misses important appointments both as Lord Mayor and Member of Parliament because she cannot handle both jobs.
    She fails to officiate at citizenship ceremonies.
    She appoints other people to positions that the Lord Mayor traditionally holds.
    She becomes the laughingstock of the media.
    She sends her press secretary to do a radio interview which she cannot attend.
    Her press secretary resigns after only a few months.
    She publicly calls her most ardent supporter a non supporter.
    The Kings Cross road works are a catastrophe and not managed professionally.
    remember she is the commander.
    She seems obsessed about putting out press releases with her image saturated all over.
    She is quick to blame the previous administration for actions which are in hers.
    She is evasive in relation to promises made to the community centre.
    She is the Lord Mayor of a huge municipality and yet she behaves like a small town mayor.

    Oh yes there is a lot more. Some are too hot to mention but they will surfaced in the next few weeks. Remember this is only the first six months. Lots more is happening elsewhere.

  6. Anonymous8:41 am

    Read the editorial ( not online ) in the Telegraph 1 October:-

    6 key staff have resigned in addition to Domm and Walker. The Council is disorganized and the paper calls for a full time Lord Mayor.
