Thursday, September 28, 2006

Sydney as a 'foreigner' sees it

On the whole, Sydney is a philistine desert and this perspective is behind a lot of my views about the place. It was beautifully expressed this morning on one of the email lists used by those 'nasty' cyclists...

"I have recently returned from cycling overseas for several months and it is refreshing to be back riding in Sydney -- and be told numerous times to get off the f'ing road and all the other intelligent and constructive things Sydney drivers have to say.

"Until arriving home in Sydney the only things I've had thrown at me recently are powerbars, other foods and encouragement to keep me going on the road. My Sydney commuting thick skin must have thinned, leaving me ready to explode after my commute last night.

"Sydney is a disgrace and nightmare to cycle in and I just want to commend everyone on their efforts in bringing cycle concerns to the community when and where possible. I have also noticed that there does seem to be a lot more cyclists on the road than when I left, I hope this trend continues.

Also don't know if you have seen this website, but check out
  • the video

  • If there is an esky in there somewhere these guys are my heroes."

    1 comment:

    1. Anonymous2:23 pm

      Geeze, that's a flattering note on Sydney's drivers. Can't say I'm surprised really.

      In the end we're still gonna win this one on the basis of a critical mass of riders though.

      Bring on the Velorution!
