Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Tanya swings into the limelight

Tanya Plibersek, federal member for Sydney, has landed the Family and Community Services shadow ministry in the Labor opposition front bench, after being returned with an increased majority.

She will be well in touch with her job as she is expecting her second child in February.

How we voted:

Overall swings:

Labor +2.76% Liberal -0.14% Greens +6.79%

Local booth results:

Kings Cross: _____Labor 44.68%__Liberal 26.50%__Greens 16.67%

Roslyn Gardens: __Labor 39.30%__Liberal 37.70%__Greens 13.07%

Potts Point:_______Labor 38.24%__Liberal 37.70%__Greens 13.78%

Darlinghurst: _____Labor 40.00%__Liberal 37.35%__Greens 12.45%

Woolloomooloo:___Labor 50.04%__Liberal 31.26%__Greens 10.64%


  1. Anonymous5:52 pm

    Tanya Plibersek ridiculed the Kings Cross residents when they conducted a survey about the preferred location of the injection centre.

    The community rejected the Darlinghurst Rd location in a popular vote.

    As a matter of interest she loves the concept of an MSIC and Latham loathes it.

  2. Anonymous10:46 pm

    Clean-up plan for inner suburbs
    Saily Telegraph

    October 26, 2004

    THE inner Sydney suburbs of Redfern and Waterloo will be overhauled as part of a 10-year state government plan to clean up the derelict area.

    A Redfern-Waterloo Authority will be set up and overseen by former Sydney Lord Mayor and Energy Minister Frank Sartor.

    But the plan remains short on detail, with the make-up of the authority and the amount of funding to be poured into the area to be released at a later date.

    NSW Premier Bob Carr said the area – the location of a violent riot earlier this year – was the fifth-poorest suburb in Sydney.

    "The area is not of the standard we would expect as part of a city as modern, as competitive, as affluent as Sydney," Mr Carr said.

    "The problems there are very real; you've got 60 per cent of the population unemployed, you've got a concentration of disadvantage."

    Mr Carr said the suburbs were also plagued by drug dependency and other complex social problems.

    The Block – the scene of the February riot – was not owned by the State Government but Mr Carr said individual home ownership could be the way forward.

    The Premier said it was not the Government's intention to displace the poor.

    "Fixing up The Block is to a very large extent the key to this problem," he said.

    "If that continues to be derelict and a source of disruption, then that affects all that happens around it."

    Under the 10-year plan, public-private partnerships would be pursued with a view to redeveloping Redfern railway station, building a new pedestrian bridge and developing the Australian Technology Park into a biotechnology hub.

    NSW Opposition Leader John Brogden later criticised the plan.

    "I'm extremely cynical about this," Mr Brogden said.

    "The last thing the people of Redfern need is another government bureaucracy, let alone (one) run by Frank Sartor."

    He questioned whether it was a plan for a new government authority above Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore.

    "The Labor Party has no confidence in Clover Moore, they didn't want her as Lord Mayor in the first place so now they've decided to create a new bureaucracy to put over the top of her."

