Friday, December 03, 2004

Do they know it's Christmas?

The Tele has another swipe at Clover Moore today over the pathetic Xmas decorations in Sydney. It's not one of council's strong suits, that's for sure, although the snow-crystal smartpole banners in the city are kind of gay. Perhaps a smartpole banner is a smartpole banner is a...

Last year council did a woeful job of decorating the Cross -- I did a straw street poll, asking people what they thought of the decorations. Ten out of ten people hadn't even noticed the unlit tiny silver flags strung above the shop awnings.

This year we get red smartpole banners advertising the library. Get it? Red. No doubt, though, there will be more for the coming street party over next weekend.

But it's all wonderful compared to a few years ago in Frank Sartor's day when the town hall was decorated with apalling giant blow-up figures. Now there's an idea for the Cross. Lots of our retail outlets sell blow-up figures. Perhaps they should chip in and do a number?

Must suggest it to council...

A real estate agent in Newcastle shows more originality -- they are hiring a big Bedouin tent and having their party on the Stockton sand dunes, complete with a herd of camels. Who said you couldn't find three wise men in Newcastle?

STOP PRESS: John Howard was just on the radio criticising Clover. 'This is political correctness straight from central casting,' he said, obviously believing the Tele's line that the City was going slow on the decorations so as not to offend non-christian religions.

A spokesman from Clover's office questioned the accuracy of the Tele's story, pointing out that this year's $600,000 Xmas budget was higher than last year's. Must be a slow news day.


  1. ...And no more syringe jokes, PLEASE.

  2. Anonymous11:12 am

    Any suggestions on how to blow up Cr Moore

  3. Anonymous11:57 am

    That's so funny! With such wit, that commenter should host a national stand up comedy show. A national treasure. Ho Ho Ho. I'm gonna ring all my friends and tell them that one.

  4. Anonymous3:46 pm

    The really big big news is the celebration for the end of the poorly managed street works. Sydney council plans are for the streets to be decorated in red and white to celebrate the Gay and Lesbian mardi gras . Oh well lots of gays amongst all races and religions. At least that is a guarantee not to offend any of these groups.

  5. Anonymous2:08 pm

    The Night Before Christmas
    By Warren Brown

    Twas the night before Christmas,
    When all through the town
    The whole city’s gone quiet and the lights are turned down.

    No Town –Hall bright –tinsel
    Is strung out this year.
    No carols are heard
    No laughter, no cheer.

    No Christmas tree baubles.
    No presents as well.
    No Dancer, no Prancer,
    No Santa, Noel.

    So why isn’t our city
    The worlds greatest starter,
    Its all over Clover-
    Where the hell is Frank Sartor ?
