Tuesday, December 07, 2004

New rules for Bill Posters

A 'lost cat' or 'garage sale' notice in King Street Newtown or Glebe Point Road might now stay up for five days after a revised graffiti policy was passed at Council last night. But in Darlinghurst Road your cat won't get the same coverage because Council's 24-hour removal policy remains.

The 24-hour rule still mostly applies to designated 'hot spots' ,ie main street shopping centres. Sections of King Street and Glebe Point Road have been excepted from the 24-hour rule, along with part of City Road near Sydney University. Elswhere, a five-day removal cycle remains.

Political posters are a different case again -- they will be allowed to stay up two weeks before an election.

Crs Chris Harris, Greens, and Verity Firth, Labor, were not happy with inconsistencies in the policy and persuaded Council to consider it again next year.

Harris wants the 14-day political rule applied to all community notices. 'Why should political parties get special treatment?' he said.

He also wants the hot-spot exceptions extended and a notice area defined for Kings Cross. He says the removal schedule should be posted on Council's website so people can avoid having their notices torn down the same day they post them.

Our local 'hot-spots' (daily poster removal) are: William Street from Riley to the tunnel; Victoria Street from Burton St to the Potts Point end; Darlinghurst Road from Oxford ST to Fitzroy Gardens and onward down MacLeay Street.

Elsewhere, five days remains the rule.

Council spent $3 million last year on graffiti and poster removal, listing 31,000 instances. That's $96.77 per removal, which is nothing compared to the cost of signage if the police get to extend their no-alcohol areas. Those signs cost Council $500 each, plus maintenance costs.

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