Monday, August 30, 2004

Advertising your lost cat

A few campaigners from across Sydney -- including yours truly -- have been lobbying Council to allow community pole posters such as garage sale, lost cat and flatmate wanted to be left in place for a time instead of being ripped down daily at great expense. As a result, amendments to the policy will soon be up for public comment. While tag-style graffiti will remain a city target, issues to comment on according to Clover Moore, [ and, in brackets, our responses ], are --

* How the management of graffiti and posters could be made more
responsive to local need; [ make it more complaint-based than automatic ]

* Whether a seven day cycle should be used to permit a regular
cleaning day each week; [ Removal on Mon. or Tues. would allow us to advertise stuff for a week ]

* Whether posters over a certain size could be removed more often,
as they are most likely to be illegal commercial, rather than
community, posters; [ no objection to this ]

* Whether torn, damaged, defaced or loose posters should also be
subject to faster removal; [ of course ]

* How the city should define offensive graffiti and posters for quick
removal; [ offensive = what's illegal, like racial abuse, slander, pornography, homophobia ] and

* Options for community notice boards or other avenues for displaying
community posters. [ These are desperately needed in each town centre -- publicly accessible, sheltered from the rain and with a tray to catch falling pins etc. Poster bollards placed out of the pedestrian flow but in highly visible spots would be well used, too. ]

Prepare a comment doc. NOW and we'll post who to send it to when it becomes available.

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