Tuesday, August 31, 2004

PACT Police meeting this Wednesday

Meet your new local Police Commander Supt. Stephen Cullen at the KX PACT meeting Wednesday 31st, 6.30pm at the Crest Hotel.

The Kings Cross Partnership will be asking a set of straight-to-the-point questions, to wit:

Q1) What strategies are in place to eradicate drug dealing from Darlinghurst
Road Kings Cross once the town centre upgrade is completed in mid-November 2004?

NOTE: An effective and immediate strategy involving all relevant government
agencies is essential given that the clean-up of drug dealing and loitering
was one of the key strategies behind this extensive and expensive piece of
public works. The businesses and residents of this district have gone
through hell for over 6 months bearing up to this upgrade of the high
street. Once completed the benefits of the works must be much much more than
shiny footpaths and curbs and a few smart poles! A sense of personal safety,
ownership and pride must be restored.

Q2) What strategies are in place to combat the extensive and serial use of
public phones to arrange drug deals?

Q3) What strategies are in place to combat people who camp on the high

Q4) How do police plan to work effectively and harmoniously with the two
dozen or so agencies in the area that deal with drug & alcohol abusers and
the mentally ill?

Q5) Will KX Police support a proposal to close Darlinghurst Road
Kings Cross for a weekend to trial the positive social
impacts of using it as an active pedestrian plaza? We need to
reclaim this area for the people who live and work here.

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