Saturday, August 21, 2004

East Sydney to secede from the universe

East Sydney could become even more inaccessible if road closures from the East Sydney Residents' Association (ESNA), said to be favoured by Clover Moore, go ahead.
This is the push that brought us last year's quashed vigilante bus which was going to go around at 2am with residents pointing out 'troublesome prostitutes' so the police could target them.
The new closures are about traffic management but neighbouring associations DRAG and 2011 say it's about choking off so-called kerb-crawlers so street sex workers will go elsewhere -- maybe to your suburb?
There has been no traffic study done since 1982 -- pre Eastern Distributor and Cross City Tunnel.
The street closures would affect surrounding districts as they would funnel all through traffic into Crown and Yurong Streets.
Liverpool Street would be closed at Whitlam Square and at Bourke St, forcing even more traffic on to Oxford & William Sts and cutting off the back route to Paddington.
Other intersections put up for closure are Palmer and Stanley, Bourke and William (!), Burton and Bourke and (it looks like) College and Francis.
DRAG and 2011 are calling for a traffic study first, pointing out that the closures would have a huge impact for surrounding areas especially while the Bourke St Woolloomooloo ramp onto the Eastern Distributor is closed for CCT construction.
Residents of the 'Loo say getting out of the suburb by car is nearly impossible now. If you don't believe this, try driving somewhere south using Crown Street. Take a packed lunch.

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