Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Blackbirds attack city shoppers

You heard it here first. Unless you read today's Tele. The currawongs are swooping people in the city, going for tasty bits of scalp and hair for their nests.

'The City of Sydney is working in consultation with the Wildlife Protection staff of National Parks and Wildlife to determine how best to manage the presence of a nesting pair of currawongs in Bond Street.

Parks and Wildlife staff attended the site today to provide advice to the Council.

Action taken by the Council includes placement of large signs on and around the tree where the birds are nesting to advise pedestrians of the need to exercise caution in the area.

The Council has placed bollards around the tree and at either end of the block – also displaying large signs - to encourage pedestrians to proceed with caution and to ensure they take notice of the signage.'

- CoS press release

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